Community Activities & Participation

What Are We Up To?

The 81st Annual San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo was held June 27 – 29, 2014.  Our office participated in the Merchants Beach Ball Sorting, riding their favorite stick horses.  Our Team included Jayme Stewart, Executive VP, her daughter Kelsey and Willie White.


Downtown Wine & Beer Stroll

Calvista sponsored the 3rd Annual Downtown Wine & Beer Stroll, organized by the Hollister Downtown Association.  Six hundred people were able to enjoy 27 wineries and breweries throughout the day.

San Benito County Farm Bureau – Ag in the Classroom

Teachers from the county take part in an all day workshop and tours around San Benito County to learn about Agriculture and how it impacts our community.  These teachers are then encouraged to take what they have learned back to their classrooms. Calvista Insurance was a proud table sponsor and supplied each teach with items needed for their classrooms.

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